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$150 freight pre-paid within Canada

Gtechniq I1 Smart Fabric AB V3


Quick Overview
  • Lasts for up 12 months
  • Anti bacterial and anti mould
  • Flurocarbon free

Why Use Gtechniq Smart Fabric AB?

I1 Smart Fabric AB protects all kinds of fabrics from water-based stains. It is breathable and extremely durable, thanks to Gtechniqs unique scientific formula. Extensive independent tests (ISO 6330 5A and AATCC 22) have proven Smart Fabric AB to last 4 times longer than market-leaders

With newly added antimicrobial technology, treated surfaces will kill 99% of bacteria. This latest product also prevents mould and mildew from setting in. Making it ideal for use inside your car to protect you and your family from harmful germs.

Smart Fabric is colour safe. Nano particles that make up I1 Smart Fabric coat each fabric fiber individually, leaving the texture unaffected, allowing the material to breathe. This means stale air will still be able to escape while repelling water and oil-based liquids.

Top Tip: Smart Fabric AB has been designed for interior use only.